
“Why are there so few women at the University of Tokyo?”- This questions is up around the campus to raise awareness within the UTokyo community


“Why are there so few women at the University of Tokyo?”- This questions is up around the campus to raise awareness within the UTokyo community

The Office for Gender Equity has launched a new project as part of the UTokyo Gender Equity Initiative #WeChange, aimed at boosting female leadership.

Project background & overview
At the University of Tokyo, women constitute only 20% of the student body and 10% of the professoriate.
“Why are there so few women at the University of Tokyo?” This question is relevant to every member of the UTokyo community. As an initial step in our project, we have placed posters to pose the question throughout the campus, in order to highlight this disparity and to encourage thoughtful discussion within the UTokyo community. Please take a look.

Poster display information:

Chuo Shokudo (Hongo Campus), Komaba Shokudo (Komaba Campus) and notice boards on campus

– Duration:
Wednesday, May 1 – Monday, May 20

We plan to publish one possible answer to this question on Monday, May 20.
Please check that out as well.